Corporate Governance is nothing but a direction followed by the Corporate world, that requires compliance of
ethical business governance along with commitment.

We, at HNG believe in sustainable growth that has been developed by our top leadership. Corporate Governance in HNG is essential to improve our efficiency and build investor confidence, further rendering long profitable relationship with customers and suppliers, enhancing industry leadership and committing to 360 degree quality. Our company’s philosophy is to adopt best policies and practices, in the interest of all our stakeholders along with acknowledging its fiduciary relationship and responsibility, and strives hard to

  • 1 Protect their interests

  • 2 Enhance their trust and confidence


Achieve the balance between stakeholders' interests and corporate goals by adopting such systems and procedures as are recognized as best corporate practices through which good corporate governance principles are articulated and implemented to meet all the relevant critical legal and regulatory requirements.
  • 4

    Improve public understanding of activities and policies of the organization
  • 5 Meet their expectations

It has formed an active, well-informed Board with majority of independent directors to uphold HNG’s commitment to follow high standards of ethical values and business integrity. It assists them in efficient conduct of business and in meeting their obligations towards stakeholders with special emphasis on transparency, accountability, performance and timely and accurate disclosures of information about the Company. During the year 2004-2005, HNG has kept its commitment towards the norms and disclosures that have to be made on corporate governance, under the listing agreement with the Stock Exchanges on which shares HNG are listed.

CG Report QE 31 ST MAR 2024


CG Report QE 31 ST DEC 2023


CG Report QE 30 TH SEP 2023


CG Report QE 30 TH JUNE 2023


CG Report QE 31 ST MAR 2023


CG Report QE 30 TH DEC 2022


CG Report QE 30 TH SEP 2022


CG Report QE 30 TH JUNE 2022


CG Report QE 31 ST MAR 2022


CG Report QE 31 ST DEC 2021


CG Report QE 30 TH SEPT, 2021


CG Report QE 30 TH JUNE, 2021


CG Report QE 31 ST MARCH, 2021